【可持續發展目標8: 體面工作和經濟增長】
最近,歐盟理事會首次批准了一份結論文件,要求歐盟委員會通過制定人權、環境保護和社會治理方面的盡職審查標準,啟動一項在2021年內完成發展可持續全球供應鏈的歐盟行動計劃(EU Action Plan)。
全球在非正式經濟體系中工作的16億人正在受到疫情的經濟影響,而這份”Council Conclusions on Human Rights and Decent Work in Global Supply Chains” 是促進全球邁向體面工作的重要一環,符合現有的國際義務,例如《聯合國工商企業與人權指導原則》。這還考慮到消除童工情況的進度正在放慢 — 消除童工將需要大約多40年的時間,而不是SDG 8目標8.7預期的五年時間內。
加強成員國有效實施《聯合國工商企業與人權指導原則》: 通過新的或更新的國家行動計劃(National Action Plan),在適當的情況下將自願和強制措施巧妙地結合在一起。
歐盟委員會更新其2006年關於推廣體面工作的通告(Communication on “Promoting Decent Work for all”)
[Sustainable Development Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth ]
Recently, the Council of the European Union has approved, for the first time, conclusions calling for the Commission to launch an EU Action Plan that develops sustainable global supply chains by 2021, through setting due diligence standards in the aspects of human rights, environmental protection and social governance.
With 1.6 billion workers in the informal economy affected by the economic impact of COVID-19 globally, the “Council Conclusions on Human Rights and Decent Work in Global Supply Chains” is a significant call to accelerate global efforts towards decent work, in line with existing international commitments such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This is also in light of the slowing down of progress to eliminate child labour – it will take nearly 40 more years to eliminate child labour, instead of five years as envisaged by target 8.7 of SDG 8.
This would apply to European businesses operating outside of Europe as well as non-European companies operating inside Europe.
Other key points of the conclusions include:
An EU legal framework tabled by the Commission on sustainable corporate governance, including a cross-sector corporate due diligence obligations along global supply chains.
Step up member states’ efforts to effectively implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, including through new or updated National Action Plans containing a smart mix of voluntary and mandatory measures, where appropriate.
The European Commission to update its 2006 Communication on ‘Promoting decent work for all’.
想了解更多,請參閱以下內容(To learn more about this, please check out the content below):
Council Conclusions on Human Rights and Decent Work in Global Supply Chains: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/media/46999/st13512-en20.pdf
《聯合國工商企業與人權指導原則》 (UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights):
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