

As the beginning of 2023, we are delighted to have our first Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) covered by Macao Magazine, which is published by the Government Information Bureau.

The collective statement – edited by Genervision House – was unequivocal in its urgency. “It is clear that the older generations have failed to protect the planet, and the youth will have to pay with their futures,” it read. “As the largest generation of youth in history and leaders of tomorrow, we have to scale up our efforts to protect our only home and our future.”

Click on the article to read more about the conference highlights, speakers’ messages, and the key takeaways of the collective climate change youth statement.

2023年的第一彈!我們很高興政府新聞局雜誌《Macao Magazine》報導我們團隊舉辦的首屆澳門青年氣候峰會。

由世望屋編輯的澳門青年氣候立場書明確表明氣候行動的緊迫性。 這份由本澳青年撰寫的聲明表示:「很明顯,老一代人沒有保護好地球,而年輕人將不得不為他們的未來付出代價。」 同時,聲明也指出:「作為歷史上數量最多的一代青年和未來的領導者,我們必須加大努力,保護我們唯一的家園和我們的未來。」
