

【可持續發展目標2:消除飢餓】🌽 🍵
🍚您是否曾思考過我們每日消耗的食物背後的整個系統?今天,我們想和您分享農業和糧食系統的概念。這篇由環境政策分析員Xinqing Lu寫的文章點出了這個概念背後的重點,旨在打破農業價值鏈,健康,營養和環境可持續性之間的孤島。以下為原文摘錄:
撒哈拉以南的非洲在全球農業食品系統中扮演著至關重要的角色。 撒哈拉以南非洲的六成以上人口是小規模農戶,其大約23%的GDP來自農業。 到2050年,非洲人口將達到20億,而農業將需要養活所有人。 與此同時,非洲仍是糧食的淨進口國,儘管非洲擁有世界60%的未耕地。 非洲的農業轉型有潛力為增加全球糧食供應和實現可持續發展目標做出重大貢獻。”
那麼,中國與非洲在農業與糧食系統方面的合作可以有哪些行動方向呢?Xinqing Lu建議:
【Sustainable Development Goals 2: Zero Hunger】🌽 🍵
🍚Have you ever thought about the whole system behind the food we consume every day? Today, we want to share with you the concept of agriculture and food systems. This article by environmental policy analyst Xinqing Lu highlights the key points behind this concept, which aims at breaking down silos between the agriculture value chain, health, nutrition, and environmental sustainability. The following are extracts from the original text:
“Agri-food systems are essential in managing and preserving biodiversity, adapting to and tackling climate change, realizing sustainable food systems, and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Today, over 820 million people remain hungry despite agriculture taking up to 50% of the world’s most productive vegetated land. Of the 820 million people, over 257 million (31%) are in Africa.
Sub-Saharan Africa plays a crucial role in the global agri-food system. More than 60 percent of the population of sub-Saharan Africa is smallholder farmers, and about 23 percent of sub-Saharan Africa’s GDP comes from agriculture. Africa will have a population of 2 billion by 2050, and agriculture will be central to feeding all of those people. At the same time, Africa remains a net importer of food, although it has 60% of the world’s uncultivated arable land. Agricultural transformation in Africa has the potential to contribute significantly to increasing global food supply and achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”
It is worth mentioning that in the current food system, the excessive use of chemicals, the widespread monocropping system, intensive animal farms in land and sea, etc., are destroying natural resources faster than nature’s renewal rate. And it causes a quarter of all man-made greenhouse gas emissions, of which livestock emissions account for about half.
So, what can be the action points for cooperation between China and Africa in agriculture and food systems? Xinqing Lu suggests:
1.Mainstream climate-smart and sustainable agricultural production and investment in African countries, by increase capacities of smallholder farmers and SMEs to develop and adopt appropriate farm-level technologies for improved productivity, crop, and farm management.
2.Promote China-Africa cooperation in greening the Soft Commodity Value Chain (SCVC).
3.Enhance in African national governments’ and other stakeholders’ transformative capacities in climate resilience policy-making, implementation, cross-sector coordination; early warning capacity; and mobilization of green financing.

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