

  • 可持續發展目標2(零飢餓): 豆類食物價格便宜,蛋白質含量高。它們的脂肪含量低,並且富含可溶性纖維,可以降低膽固醇並幫助控制血糖。如果我們食用更多的豆類食物,世界上將出現更少的營養不良,肥胖和冠狀動脈癌病例。
  • 可持續發展目標5(性別平等)和可持續發展目標8(體面勞動與經濟增長):農民可以將豆類作為重要食用和出售作物,從而有助於維持家庭糧食安全並帶來經濟穩定。有趣的例子:低收入農民,特別是在非工業化國家中生產60-80%的糧食的婦女,將受益於種植和銷售豆類等具有氣候適應力的農作物。在印度,一個名為Swayam Shikshan Prayog(SSP)的非政府組織通過向他們傳授氣候適應性農業的技巧,成功地增強了超過二十萬印度農民的經濟能力。
  • 可持續發展目標13(氣候行動): 豆類食物具有固氮作用,可提高土壤肥力,從而減少了含氮合成肥料的使用,亦相對減少了釋放到環境中的溫室氣體的量。
[World Pulses Day] Consume More Pulses for a World with Food and Climate Security
Do you know that eating more pulses will not only lead to healthier diets and environment, but also empower rural farmers economically?
The 10th of February is designated by the United Nations General Assembly as the World Pulses Day.
How eating more pulses help the world to achieve the following Sustainable Development Goals:
  • SDG 2 (Zero Hunger): Pulses are inexpensive and have a high protein content. They are also low in fat and rich in soluble fiber, which can lower cholesterol and help in the control of blood sugar. The world will witness less cases of malnutrition, obesity and coronary cancer, if more pulses are consumed.
  • SDG 5 (Gender Equality) & SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth): Farmers could both consume and sell pulses as an important crop, which in turn helps maintain their household food security and creates economic stability. An interesting example: Low income farmers, especially women who produce 60-80% of food in non-industrialised countries, will benefit from growing and selling climate-resilient crops like pulses. In India, a Non-Governmental Organization called Swayam Shikshan Prayog (SSP) has successfully empowered over 200,000 farmers all over India by teaching them climate-resilient agricultural practices.
  • SDG 13 (Climate Action): Pulses improve soil fertility with their nitrogen-fixing properties, and this reduces the usage of synthetic fertilisers that contain nitrogen, which in turn reduces the amount of greenhouse gases released to the environment.
To learn more about the benefits of pulses, feel free to check out the following links: