

相信大家有看過星際大戰(Star Wars),但你知道這部戲是拍攝於約旦這片遼闊的沙漠嗎?這片沙漠亦被打造為能夠徒步約40天的約旦步道(Jordan Trail),帶動當地生態旅遊。

世望屋很榮幸邀請約旦步道協會董事會成員Mohammad Asfour去分享他如何把約旦步道轉變為生態旅遊的經驗和見解,並分享他的探險經驗。他曾經在旅遊中發現一個鮮為人知的矮小羅馬銅礦洞穴,當地人告訴他這原來是因為羅馬人以往經常利用囚犯在裏面挖掘銅礦,並把囚犯的腳砍掉。


  • 約旦步道的特別之處
  • 科技在生態旅遊上的應用,例如:顯示步道路徑的應用程序
  • 沙漠生態旅遊的利益相關者需要接受什麼樣的培訓?
  • Mohammad 在約旦步道冒險故事
  • 生態旅遊的未來趨勢

Everyone has probably watched the movie Star Wars before, but do you know that the movie was filmed in Jordan’s vast desert land? This desert has also been converted into a 40-day hiking trail called Jordan Trail, which brings ecotourism alive.

Genervision House is honoured to invite Mohammad Asfour, who is the board member of the Jordan Trail Association, to share his experiences and insights in converting the Jordan Trail into eco-tourism, and to share his adventurous experiences.

He has once discovered a small cave that is barely known to public during his journey, and the locals told him that it was a Roman copper mine where the Romans chopped the prisoners’ legs and exploited the prisoners to excavate copper.

In this video we will share with you:

  • The speciality of the Jordan Trail
  • How technology can be applied in ecotourism, such as the Jordan Trail app
  • How stakeholders of the desert ecotourism can be trained
  • The stories of Mohammad’s adventure
  • Future trend of ecotourism