藉著 2022年聯合國氣候變化大會(COP7)完結之際,世望屋的團隊很高興發佈2022年澳門青年氣候峰會的最終報告及澳門青年氣候立場書,它們亦已經被纳入COP27和第17屆國際青年氣候峰會的氣候談判中。
在2022年澳門青年氣候峰會的最終報告裡,提供了峰會的精彩內容回顧,並列出了《澳門青年應對氣候變化立場書》。兩天的線上峰會一共吸引了近200人次參加,更迎來58位青年就以下五個主題共同撰寫了《澳門青年應對氣候變化立場書》: 氣候賦能行動、氣候適應、氣候變化、城市與健康、可再生能源以及綠色就業。
Local Voices Delivered to COP27: The Release of LCOY Macau 2022 Final Report & Macau Youth Statement
As the UNFCCC COP27 climate conference concludes, our team at Genervision House is delighted to announce the release of our Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) Macau 2022 Final Report and Macau Youth Statement, which have been fed into the climate negotiations under COP27 and the 17th Global Conference of Youth.
In the LCOY Macau 2022 Final Report, we have provided a review of the conference and laid out the Macau Youth Statement Towards Addressing Climate Change. The two-day virtual conference received nearly 200 attendances, with 58 youths co-writing the Macau Youth Statement together on the following five topics: Action for Climate Empowerment; Climate Adaptation; Climate Change, Cities, and Health; Renewable Energy; and Green Jobs.
Let’s look at what Macau youths have to say about our sustainable future!