從今天開始,聯合國首次把二氧化碳排放和材料足迹納入了人類發展指數(Human Development Index) 裏,讓氣候行動變成衡量國家發展進度的其中一個重要指標。
最新估計更加顯示,到2100年,全球最貧困國家每年遭遇極端氣候的天數最多將增加100天。可是,若《巴黎協定》的目標(把全球平均氣溫升幅控制在工業革命前水準以上低於2℃之內 )可以全面落實,這個數字將能減少一半。現在,70%最容易遭受氣候變化影響的國家正正是在經濟及政治層面上最脆弱的國家。
[Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action]
Starting from today, the United Nations has, for the first time, integrated carbon dioxide emissions and material footprint into the Human Development Index (HDI), taking climate action as one of the important indicators in measuring national development.
However, countries have varied performances in terms of green development progress and are still in need to enhance environmental protection measures.
“The United Nations Development Program claimed that after adding in the new indicators, 50 countries have fallen out of the “high development level” due to their high dependence on fossil fuels and material footprints. However, Costa Rica, Moldova, and Panama are all involved in environmental protection.” Material footprint refers to the reserve of raw materials extracted to meet final consumption needs.
The latest estimates show in more detail that by 2100, the world’s poorest countries will experience up to 100 more days of extreme weather each year. However, if the goal of the Paris Agreement (limiting the global average temperature rise above the pre-industrial level below 2°C) can be fully realized, this number will be reduced by half. Now, 70% of the countries most vulnerable to climate change are the most vulnerable economically and politically.
At the virtual Climate Ambition Summit 2020 on the 5th anniversary of the Paris climate agreement a few days ago, the United Nations called upon all countries to declare a “state of climate emergency”. Carbon-emitting countries such as Brazil and Australia are not qualified to participate, due to their lack of commitment to climate action.
Nevertheless, this meeting also witnessed new commitments made by some countries to environmental protection, including Pakistan and Israel’s commitments to phase out coal-fired power plants.
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