

當Nzambi Matee在肯亞的首都奈羅比街頭上看到滿滿的塑膠袋,她心裡就萌生了為塑膠廢料創造新生命的念頭。 因此,她辭去工作,開始嘗試製造一種結合廢塑膠和沙的新式磚塊。

迄今為止,她的公司Gjenge Makers Ltd已挽救了20噸以上的塑膠廢料,並將它們轉變成經濟耐用的磚塊。 同時亦為當地的垃圾收集者,婦女和年輕人創造了100多個工作機會。


影片鏈結🔗 https://youtu.be/QbZKP4UAtL8



[Sustainable Development Story] Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development 

When Nzambi Matee saw the plastic bags filling the streets of Nairobi, she visualized a new life for the plastic waste to become a solution. So she quitted her job and began experimenting with the creation of a new kind of brick , one that combines plastic waste and sands.

To date, her business, Gjenge Makers Ltd, has salvaged more than 20 tons of plastic waste  and turned them into affordable and durable pavers , at the same time generated more than 100 job opportunities for local garbage collectors, women and young people.

Nzambi, named the Young Champion of the Earth by UNEP in 2020, wants to encourage young people to solve the environmental challenge at a local level🛠: “It’s up to us to make this reality better. Start with whatever local solution you can find and be consistent with it. The results will be amazing.”

Video link🔗 https://youtu.be/QbZKP4UAtL8

Source: https://www.unenvironment.org/…/2020/africa/nzambi-matee
