

通信鴻溝是在獲取、使用或影響信息和通信技術方面的不平等現象。 非洲不少國家的人們,尤其是農村地區的家庭,沒有辦法獲取到數字技術。
截至2020年7月底,“萬村通”項目已覆蓋非洲大陸8162個村落,非洲19個國家已完成項目驗收。 面對新冠肺炎疫情,四達時代從去年3月19日起在項目中推出防疫特別報導,內容包括國際和非洲疫情動態、防疫知識、人物專訪等,用中、英、法、葡、斯瓦希裡、豪薩語等6種語言播出。 此外,去年三、四月間,四達時代與合作夥伴共同推出非洲版“新冠肺炎自測評估系統”,還為肯尼亞、南非、加納、烏干達、剛果(金)等國的中小學生上線本國的教材課程,通過教育類視頻節目做到“停課不停學”。


[Sustainable Development Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure]
Digital Divide is an inequality with regard to access to, use of, or impact of information and communication technologies (ICT). African countries are suffering from the Digital Divide and many Africans, especially families in rural areas, are blocked from accessing information and digital technology.
One of the main goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is to “significantly increase access to information and communications technology and strive to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries by 2020”.
A Beijing company “StarTimes” has worked hard in recent years to “bring the world to the eyes of African families .”
Access to Satellite TV for 10,000 African Villages is a China-Africa Cooperation project which aims to reduce the digital divide in African rural areas by giving villages access to digital television. It was proposed at the Johannesburg Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in 2015.
As of the end of July 2020, the project has covered 8162 villages on the African continent, and 19 countries in Africa have completed the project. During the pandemic, StarTimes has integrated a special report on covid-19 prevention into the project from March 19 last year. The content includes international and African pandemic trends, virus prevention knowledge, interviews with people, etc., using Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Swahili and Hausa. In addition, in March and April of last year, StarTimes and its partners jointly launched the African version of the “Covid-19 Self-Test and Evaluation System”, and also launched online educational videos and textbooks for primary and secondary school students in Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, Uganda and Congo.