在聯合國環境規劃署最新發布的《與自然和平共處》報告中,以自然為本的解決方案(NbS)被認定是達成可持續發展目標的最有效工具之一。有見及此,小編亦希望與大家分享一個在沿海城市 – 曼谷的NbS案例研究。
- 位於曼谷市中心的一座4.4公頃的公園,有特別的設計用來收集380萬升的雨水和洪水。這些水源會被引流到濕地進行自然過濾,並用於灌溉公園本身的植物。
- 公園可以通過反射陽光來緩解城市熱島效應(指由於混凝土基礎設施吸收和保留熱能而在城市內產生高於周圍的溫度)
- 公園也是社區裡每個人都可以進入的公共學習空間。它的設施包括有一個藥草園,一個圓形劇場,閱讀區,操場等,各具有生態特色。
[Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action] A Peaceful Relationship With Nature Is The Only Win-Win Solution
As the newly published UNEP report Making Peace with Nature recognizes nature-based solutions (NbS) as one of the most effective tools to achieve the SDGs, the editor wants to share an NbS case study in a coastal flood-prone urban city – Bangkok
The Chulalongkorn Centenary Park:
- A 4.4ha public park at the heart of Bangkok that is designed to collect 3.8 million litres of rain and floodwater, which will be navigated to a wetland for natural filtering. The water it collects will be used to irrigate the park itself.
- The park can also help alleviate the urban heat island effect (heating effect in urban cities due to the concrete infrastructure that absorbs and retains heat) by reflection sunlight
- The park is also a public learning space accessible by everyone in the community. For example, it has a herb garden, an amphitheater, reading area, playground, etc. that incorporates ecological features.
The success of Chulalongkorn Centenary Park proves that we can have a win-win solution for nature and people by restoring the environment.