

美國德克薩斯州最近的停電已造成多人死亡,估計因此整成的經濟損失高達200億美元。這次事件揭示了一件我們應該加以重視以減輕未來極端天氣及其對社會的影響的事情 ╴彈性應對能力。

德州大面積停電的原因源自電力系統的問題 ╴它並不能承受極端的寒冷天氣。儘管該州之前已收到為電力系統加裝防凍裝置以適應氣候變化的建議,但因為要改造的費用過於昂貴,他們並沒有採取後續行動。

氣候變化引發的災害代價高昂。 在2020年,十大最具破壞性的災害共造成1400多億美元的經濟損失和3400多人死亡。而極端天氣的規模和頻率將會繼續增加。雖然自然災害會不可避免地繼續發生,但我們必須反思現有的系統設計,並採取必要的改變,使我們能夠適應科學家所預測的氣候變化可能帶來的影響。





[Sustainable Development Idea Sharing] Invest In Cities’ Resilience to Climate Change Is A Must

The recent power blackout in Texas has resulted in many deaths and is estimated to cost up to US$20 billion. The incident revealed one thing that we should prioritize to mitigate future extreme weather and its effects on society – resilience.
The Texan power grid failure was due to a problem in the infrastructure – it is incapable of withstanding freezing weather. Although the state had received recommendations to weatherize its electricity infrastructure before, no follow up actions were taken as it was deemed too expensive.

Its grid is independent of those outsides of its boundary. So when the generators failed, they can’t get their power from elsewhere. The state also has a competitive power market where different power generators compete to generate electricity at the lowest cost possible. This imperative makes it difficult for generators to invest in weatherization because doing so will increase the price they can offer per unit of electricity.

Climate change-induced disasters are costly. In 2020, the ten most devastating events resulted in more than US$140 billion in financial losses and more than 3400 deaths. The magnitude and frequency of extreme weather will continue to grow. While it is inevitable that natural hazards will continue to happen, we must reflect on the system design and adopt changes that will allow us to be resilient to the possible effects that climate change will bring – as forecasted by many scientists.





氣候變化災害代價 Climate change-induced disasters costly