1. 碳排放交易系統的覆蓋範圍:人們期望該市場至少能覆蓋全國70%的碳排放行業,包括發電、航空和石化。可是其第一階段只覆蓋了2225家發電企業,只佔排放量的一小部分。此外,中國沒有像歐洲那樣採用絕對的排放上限,而是根據規模、燃料類型和碳強度等基準對污染者進行評級,以確定排放上限。例如,天然氣發電廠將比較髒的燃煤機獲得更大的配額。 但政策制定者尚未透露何時將實行絕對排放上限,他們也沒有說明何時將把整個電力部門和其他污染行業納入排放上限。其中,建築業和運輸業或可能永遠不會被包括在內。
2. 碳排放交易系統在法律上的模糊性:雖然碳排放交易系統是由生態環境部成立的,但執行碳交易市場的框架還沒有經過檢驗,然而許多污染最嚴重的企業會尋找漏洞。碳市場的全面支持仍將遙遙無期。
[Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action] China’s new carbon market
A decade in the making, China’s emissions-trading system has finally gone live.
With 28% of global CO2 emissions by December 2020, China remains the world’s largest carbon emitter. In terms of achieving net-zero global emissions in the future, it will most likely depend on China.
In his speech at the United Nations last September, Chinese President Xi Jinping said that China would increase its national contribution and adopt stronger policies and measures to peak CO2 emissions by 2030 and strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. This makes China the first developing country to set a carbon neutrality deadline among the world’s major emitters.
On February 1st China’s carbon-trading market went live, a decade after it was first mooted, offering a glimpse of hope that the severe pollution the country generates might be curbed. The general principles of the emissions-trading system (ETS) reflect global standards, and slow implementation has been par for the course in other places. But there are two reasons to worry that Beijing may not get carbon trading right.
1. The ETS’s scope: The market was expected to cover at least 70% of the country’s carbon-emitting sectors, including power generation, aviation and petrochemicals. But its first phase covered only 2,225 power generators, representing a small fraction of emissions. Furthermore, employing an absolute emissions cap, as Europe does, it will rate polluters by four benchmarks, including size, fuel type and carbon intensity, to determine caps on emissions. For example, natural gas-fired power plants will get a larger allowance than dirtier coal-burners. But policymakers have yet to say when they will move to an absolute emissions cap, nor have they indicated when the ETS will bring in the entire power sector and other polluting industries. Among them, the construction and transport sectors may never be included.
2. The legal ambiguity of the system: Although the carbon trading system was set up by the ministry of ecology, the framework for enforcing the carbon-market is untested. As a result, many of the worst polluters will look for loopholes. Full support for the carbon market will remain elusive.
Source: “Can China’s new carbon market take off?”, The Economist, 27 Feb 2021 (adapted)