
在10月30日,世望屋共同創辦人Christy 很高興成為第三屆TEDxSenadoSquare國際會議的其中一位講者去分享她對社會改變過程的看法、可繼續發展、世望屋的工作以及她近幾年跨越中東、歐洲和澳門的個人成長故事。今年的活動主題是曙光,Christy也想藉此機會與大家分享一點信念和希望。


從開始有改變的意識到衝出自己的舒適圈,我們可以為自己的生活帶來改變,創造容納改變的內心空間。但是,獨自行動是無辦法帶出社會改變。當社會層面上有一個空間或群體去凝聚大家落實改變的力量時,我們就更接近為社會帶來正面影響。簡單來說,改變的空間可以說是有兩個層面— 個人意識、知識上的改變以及社會層面上的群眾力量。改變總是從創造一個容納它的空間開始。

If you’re interested in learning more about Sustainable Development Goals, Macau’s developmental landscape, motivational stories from Syrian refugee camp and how to promote societal change, these are discussed in the 17 minute video below and let’s explore sustainable societal change together.

On October 30, Christy Un, the Co-founder of Genervision House, was delighted to have been invited as one of the TEDxSenadosquare speakers to share her thoughts on the process of community change, sustainable development, the work of Genervision House and her personal growth traversing the Middle East, Europe and Macau throughout the recent years. As this year’s theme is “Dawn”, Christy would like to share a bit of faith and hope.

“Societal change begins by creating everyone’s inner space.”

From having awareness for change to going out of one’s comfort zone to act on change, we can always make a difference to our own lives and create our own inner space for change. Yet, acting on one’s own could hardly bring about societal change. When there is a space at the community level to gather the momentum for change, we are closer to bringing an impact to our society. There are two spaces for change – one is at the knowledge and cognitive level and the other is at the community level. Change always begins by creating a space to accommodate it.