根據經濟學人智庫( Economist Intelligence Unit) 的數據,氣候變化會加劇衝突發生的可能性。
- 以下你會發現一些有關氣候變化的駭人數據:
自1960年以來,與氣候變化有關的自然災害數量增加了兩倍,而在2019年更創下最高記錄 - 如果不採取緊急行動,全球暖化將會在2100年之前較工業化前水平提高攝氏3度
- 氣候變化導致社會、經濟和政治情況更加脆弱。例如,在2020年,非洲有7300萬人陷入了糧食危機,而這7300萬人中有2600萬人是因為與氣候變化有關的事件而受到影響。
- 在2019年,新的流離失所者中有73%是由於與氣候或天氣有關的災害
- 到2030年,由於氣候變化的多重影響(例如:農作物生產受到影響),預計有多1.32億人會生活在貧困中。
【Sustainable Development Goal 13:Climate Action】Climate Change Will Cause More Societal Conflict
According to The Economic Intelligence Unit, climate change makes conflicts increasingly likely.
Below you will find some prominent statistics about climate change📊:
- The number of weather-related natural disasters has tripled since 1960, with the highest number recorded in 2019
- Without urgent action, global warming is on track to increase to 3 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels by 2100
- Climate change leads to social, economic and political fragility. For example, in 2020, 73 million people in Africa were pushed into food crises, and 26 million out of these 73 million people were affected due to weather-related events.
- In 2019, 73% of new displacements were due to climate- or weather-related disasters
- An additional 132 million people are expected to be living in poverty by 2030, as a result of multiple impacts of climate change, such as stifled crop production.