最近,人道主義組織挪威難民委員會(Norwegian Refugee Council)開展了一個名叫「使用塑料廢物生產人道主義庇護所材料和用品」的項目,探索使用現有的塑料廢物和回收方法來生產如磚塊和屋頂之類的住房材料。
由於近一半 (46%) 的羅興亞家庭表示他們的庇護所的竹子材料已受損或腐爛,這種解決塑料廢棄物的創新解決方案不但可以為難民提供可持續住房, 還可為當地社區提供生產這些庇護所物料產品的新就業機會。
[Reusing Plastic Waste to Build Rohingya Refugee Shelters]
Have you heard of reusing plastic waste to build sustainable housing for refugees?
Just a few months ago, inside the largest refugee camp in the world located in Cox Bazar, Bangladesh, at least 15 refugees were killed and over 48,000 of them were displaced by a massive fire that spread through the shelters refugees stayed in. These shelters are normally made of highly flammable materials such as bamboo and tarpaulin.
Recently, a humanitarian organization named Norwegian Refugee Council has started the project “Using plastic waste to produce humanitarian shelter materials and supplies”, which explores using existing plastic waste and recycling methods to produce shelter materials such as bricks and roofs.
As nearly half (46%) of Rohingya households reported damaged or rotten bamboo in their shelters, this innovative solution to plastic waste could provide sustainable housing as well as new job opportunities for local communities to produce these shelter products.