氣候變化與城市建築物息息相關。建築物帶來大約 39% 引致氣候變化的排放,其中 11% 的排放是來自建築物含碳的建造材料。作爲國際上支持可持續建築的領導機構,世界綠色建築委員會(World Green Building Council)致力推進實現聯合國可持續發展目標。
世望屋很榮幸邀請世界綠色建築委員會中東和北非與非洲區域網絡的前負責人Mohammad Asfour去分享他在綠色建築方面的工作經驗和建議。Mohammad 在這個機構有逾十年的工作經驗。如果你感興趣從事綠色建築行業或了解可持續城市發展,就不要錯過這部影片喔!
- 中東和北非地區的情況
- 世界綠色建築委員會如何推動可持續發展目標
- 如澳門的沿海城市可以如何發展成爲綠色城市
- Mohammad 的綠色生活習慣
Note: 在拍攝期間,Mohammad還在世界綠色建築委員會工作。
Climate change is closely related to urban construction. Buildings result in around 39% of emissions causing climate change, of which 11% of those are in the form of embodied carbon in buildings. As the leading international organization in supporting sustainable buildings, the World Green Building Council strives to realize the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
Genervision House is honoured to invite Mohammad Asfour, who was the former head of the MENA and Africa Regional Networks in the World Green Building Council, to share his experiences working on green buildings. Mohammad has over 10 years of working experience in this organization. If you are interested in working for the green construction industry or understanding sustainable city development, don’t miss out this video!
In this video we will share with you:
- Situation in the MENA region
- How the World GBC realize the SDGs
- How coastal cities like Macau could develop into green cities
- Mohammad’s green habits
Also, feel free to check out our previous video on how Mohammad participated in converting the Jordan Trail into eco-tourism as the board member of the Jordan Trail Association!
Note: At the time of filming, Mohammad still worked for the World GBC.